Wednesday, August 3, 2016

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6. Europeans Park Their Kids on the SidewalkAmericans   even ones from New York   tend to freak out at the sight of unattended children, as a Danish tourist found out in 1997. While visiting the city, Annette Sorensen and her husband decided to eat at an East Village restaurant, but instead of hiring a babysitter or ordering takeout or, we don't know, maybe taking their child into the restaurant with them, they left their daughter parked in her stroller on the sidewalk.

Not one, but two different worried New Yorkers took the time to walk into the restaurant in hopes of finding the abandoned toddler's parents, begging whoever owned this child to just get her off the street. "The stroller alone is worth at least $30 in Times Square," they probably argued, New Yorkerly. The couple refused, leaving their baby outside for a whole hour while they enjoyed dinner. The locals called the cops, which was why the couple was arrested for child endangerment and lost custody of their kid for a day."If anyone tries to sell you crack, just make sure they don't rip you off with bunk shit."

Here was their defense: It turns out that in the mom's hometown of Copenhagen, leaving your kid outside while you grab some dinner or a latte is as normal as not leaving your kid outside while you grab some dinner or a latte in New York.

The restaurants are small and smoky and crowded, and the sidewalk is as safe and unattended as the Muppet Baby nursery, apparently.

This also explains why the New York situation wasn't an isolated incident   a Swedish mom was gobsmacked (or whatever the Swedish version of that word is) when she was busted for leaving her kid outside a Tex Mex restaurant in Massachusetts. iphone 5 replacement screen Not only do European criminals not kidnap babies or their high end strollers willy nilly, European police are totally used to seeing kids out on the street unattended. "The child wasn't in danger and the mother claims she had an eye on things," one Stockholm cop told the press. You'd think the people who were the inspiration for the syndrome of sympathizing with your kidnappers would be a little more self aware about how bad this looks. But you'd be wrong!"Eh, it's just a baby. It's not like we can't make another one for free."

Speaking of Northern Europeans hating their children .

5. Nordic Kids Nap in Subzero Weather . Outside

Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

Ask a conscientious American mom about her baby's nap routine and she's probably going to mention the standard safety measures: laying junior on his back, keeping stray stuffed animals and blankets out of the crib so he doesn't suffocate, kissing the crucifix that hangs over the bed exactly 12 times so Jesus will keep the baby safe during his nap, and then keeping the baby monitor on and by your side while he sleeps. Ask Nordic women the same question and they'll say something along the lines of "Stick 'em outside" and then go back to being insanely beautiful.

No, that's not a stock photo with a white background. That's snow. The thermometer reads  10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit).

For generations, Northern European moms have seen the bitter air of Old Man Winter as a healthy supplement to their babies' routines, as if babies are like cheese and will get moldy if left at room temperature. Talk to any Nordic mom and she'll tell you that exposing babies to the elements makes kids stronger, more resilient, and able to handle the elements later, which may not be true from a science perspective but is sure as hell metal.

Imagine standing outside a Swedish day care in January and seeing a whole row of baby strollers full of napping kids. In Finland, they recommend putting babies in the cold at two weeks old. Do you even know what a 2 week old baby looks like? It's an overgrown marshmallow.

We're sure that Nordic ones would prefer to be roasted.

Obviously, the tots are wearing multiple layers of clothes and covered with blankets and probably have tiny little roaring fireplaces in their strollers. Parents even put cream on their little cheeks so the babies don't get chapped in the biting wind. Northern European parents aren't monsters, after all.

Are these kids perpetually afflicted with colds or pneumonia? Are the parents just too stupid to figure out that noses aren't supposed to run 24/7 and chronic, hacking coughs are a bad thing? Of course not. But researchers are on the fence as to whether outside naps are good or bad for babies. Some studies indicate that kids who manage more hours outside end up taking fewer sick days from school during the year. Other studies found the opposite. So we're going to conclude that unless Europe starts unleashing mutant Mr. Our hands are clean.

4. Letting Kids Drink Beer Is Way More Common Than You ThinkWhen Americans got worried about the rise in childhood obesity, our FLOTUS made awareness of the problem a major priority. Mrs. Obama enlisted everyone from Beyonce to Jimmy Fallon to help get American kids back on the right track. When Belgium noticed the same problem back in 2001, they tried a different approach: Specifically, serving children beer.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

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Five people are dead and one is in the hospital after a crash on Interstate 65 in Tippecanoe County.

It happened just before midnight Thursday night near exit 178, and involved two semis and five passenger vehicles, police said.

Three of the people killed were traveling in a black Honda Pilot together. Police have identified the victims from that car as Jill Buck, 47, and her two sons, A. J., 8, and Branson, 10.

The Buck family issued the following statement Friday afternoon:

The Buck Family is devastated by the news of the loss of our members, Jill, Branson, and Aidan due to the accident that took place last night on I 65. We ask for your prayers through this process.iphone 5 refurbished We remain faithful in God in this very, very difficult time and are thankful to the many family, friends, and community members who continue to show their support. We ask for privacy as we grieve together.

Other vehicles involved in the crash were a semi carrying frozen chicken, a tanker truck carrying cooking oil, and a red car. The driver from the car is dead   Mikhail Yuryevich Stepanov, 41. The other person   Tatiana Yuryevna Stepanova, 31   was taken to a hospital.

The crash happened in a construction zone when the driver of the tanker truck rear ended one of the passenger vehicles, causing a chain reaction crash into the back of the other semi, causing a fire.

"When you have an interstate with a lot of traffic on it, there's always that chance that when you bring two lanes down to one you're going to have a backup," ISP Sgt. Kim Riley said. "One driver wasn't paying attention .

Nearly 24 hours after officers made the gruesome discovery, there are still lots of unanswered questions. The main question on everyone's mind   why did this happen and what caused it?

The unfolding of Thursday's tragic discovery began when 34 year old Joshua Boren, an officer with the Lindon Police Department, failed to show up for his shift Thursday night. iphone 5 refurbished After an hour with no sign of him, officers went to his house. Spanish Fork Police Chief Steve Adams described the scene.

"Found that there was some activity there that was of a suspicious nature, specifically they found   upon looking through a window and door   that there was some blood and some bullet casings and I believe even a slug that was noticed by the officers," he said.

When officers went inside, they found Boren's mother in law, 55 year old Marie King, Boren's wife, 32 year old Kelly Boren, and his two children, 7 year old Joshua "Jaden" and 5 year old Haley all dead along with Boren himself.

"We hope to gain an understanding at some time of all the things that was going through Josh's mind, but I'm certain that we're not going to be able to do that," Adams said.

Neighbors who knew the family are in disbelief.

"All I know is that there had to be something going on with him and his wife because I knew how much he loved those kids   so something wasn't right with him when it all happened," said one neighbor who did not want to be identified.

Lindon Police Chief Cody Cullimore said   in the three months Boren has been on the force   that his behavior has not raised any concern within the department.

"There were no red flags, everything about him was outstanding," he said. on a phone call, but they are not releasing any details related to the nature of that call.

The bodies are at the Utah State Medical Examiner's Office.

Chief Cullimore also issued a statement regarding the incident. Read the statement below:

The Lindon City Police Department is saddened to learn of the tragic events which occurred at the Spanish Fork home of Officer Joshua Boren on Thursday, January 16, 2014.

Officer Boren was hired by the Police Department on October 14, 2013 and has worked as a patrol officer since that time. Prior to coming to the Lindon Police Department, Officer Boren worked as a Deputy with the Utah County Sheriff's office for over seven years.

Officer Boren was selected for hire in October from a field of over 70 highly qualified applicants and had performed admirably as a patrol officer.iphone 5 refurbished His conduct, behavior and professionalism were exemplary.

We are shocked and saddened by the events as they appear to have occurred. We are working closely with the Spanish Fork Police Department to investigate and hopefully come to an understanding of this tragic occurrence.

Officers said the bodies will be transferred to the State Medical Examiner's Office where autopsies will be performed. But there might have been something going on with his wife that must have been pretty serious to make him grabb a gun and fire. Even at his own children and take their lives over something that was probably going on between him and his wife. They look like a happy family but every family has their problems and sometimes one member of the family finds the worst ways to solve them. Rest in peace Boren family and Marie King

What a tragedy for, not just this family and town, or even Utah, but for the human race. I agree this is not about gun control or pharmaceuticals is about an individual with an issue he didn know how to resolve. We cannot speculate or pass judgement on this or any situation because that is God job, and his alone. He knows the trials and tribulations of every breath taken on this earth, and if we would just trust in him to walk with us these things would become less and less. May the one left behind find peace through God and may the ears this story falls upon help others to find Him.

Dysfunctional and amorous lifestyles of Americans like adults in America are unable to develop emotionally beyond the teenage level. In most of these kinds of stories, where one parent takes out the entire family seems to have it roots in one partner not being able to control his/her carnal desires.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

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Monday to the 400 block of Patapsco Avenue on a report of a shooting. A 16 year old boy was shot in the hand and arm, and an 18 year old man was shot in the arm and back.

Police said the victims were hospitalized with non life threatening injuries. to the 3700 block of St. Victor Street near Patapsco Avenue, where a 16 year old boy was shot in the chest. Baltimore police Lt.iphone 5 refurbished Jarron Jackson said the victim, identified as Joseph Payne, was taken to a hospital, where he died.

"He was out here everyday," a neighbor said of the teen who died. "A good kid, playing dice. I mean he always said hi, always moved out of your way. Good kid. and ran out of the house.

"The kids running, and then everybody screaming at the end of the street, and the little boy lying in the sidewalk," the neighbor said.

The shooting scenes are about 12 blocks apart. Jackson said the shootings are being investigated as if they are related, and several people have been taken into custody for questioning.

"This is a very, very busy street," Jackson said. "It's daylight. There are a lot of people outside.iphone 5 refurbished Obviously, someone must have saw something. When officers arrived, they located a 21 year old man suffering from multiple wounds.

"We don't feel like these are random incidents," Jackson said.

Millie Brown, a neighbor, called the shootings unconscionable.

"You can't even let your kids sit on the street and play dice on the corner," Brown said. "(You) have to worry that that they're going to get shot and killed? A family just lost their child He'll never come home again.

In both afternoon cases, police said that they think the gunmen and the victims were walking at the time of the shootings.

Anyone with information is asked to call police at 410 396 2221 or Metro Crime Stoppers at 866 7LOCKUP.

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